My goal is to empower you with information to help you regain control of your health.
Join me weekly as we chat with the experts about treatment options and lifestyle choices that can help you not just treat cancer, but beat cancer, survive, thrive and live well.
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Show Schedule:
Tuesday, June 5th, 2012—Kelly A Turner, PhD

We’ve all heard a story like this one. After trying all that Western medicine has to offer, a person with Stage 4 cancer is told there is nothing more the doctors can do and is sent home to receive hospice care. Five years later, that person strolls into the doctor’s office feeling great, with no further evidence of cancer.
In the medical world, this kind of case is referred to as a spontaneous remission, which is defined as “the disappearance, complete or incomplete, of cancer without medical treatment or with medical treatment that is considered inadequate to produce the resulting disappearance of disease symptoms or tumor.” Many researchers, including myself, believe that the word spontaneous is a misnomer and should be changed to unexpected or unlikely. We feel this way because few things in life are truly spontaneous—occurring purely by accident. It is more likely that these remissions have a cause—or two or three—that science has not yet identified.
Most of the unexpected remission survivors I have studied are thrilled to have finally found a professional who is interested in learning how they healed. They often lament, “My doctor didn’t even ask how I did it.” Kelly Turner, PhD….to learn more, please join us live on Survive and Live well, with host Elyn Jacobs and guest Kelly Turner, on Cancer Support Network,, Tuesday, June 5th at 1pm.
Kelly A. Turner, PhD, is a researcher, lecturer, and consultant in the field of Integrative Oncology. Her research focus is the “Unexpected Remission” of cancer, which is a remission that occurs either 1) in the absence of Western medicine, 2) after Western medicine has failed to achieve remission, or 3) when Western and complementary methods are used in conjunction to significantly outlive one’s prognosis. Dr. Turner received her BA from Harvard University and her Masters and PhD from the University of California, Berkeley. Her dissertation research included a year-long trip around the world during which she traveled to 10 different countries to interview 50 holistic healers and 20 unexpected remission survivors about their healing practices. Kelly is currently writing a book that summarizes these research findings, and launching a website that will continue to collect cases of Unexpected Remission. For more information, visit Join us Tuesday as we discuss Unexpected Remission, what it means and what it may mean for you.
Did you miss last weeks show? I 'll let you know when we will re-broadcast it...

We’ve all heard a story like this one. After trying all that Western medicine has to offer, a person with Stage 4 cancer is told there is nothing more the doctors can do and is sent home to receive hospice care. Five years later, that person strolls into the doctor’s office feeling great, with no further evidence of cancer.
In the medical world, this kind of case is referred to as a spontaneous remission, which is defined as “the disappearance, complete or incomplete, of cancer without medical treatment or with medical treatment that is considered inadequate to produce the resulting disappearance of disease symptoms or tumor.” Many researchers, including myself, believe that the word spontaneous is a misnomer and should be changed to unexpected or unlikely. We feel this way because few things in life are truly spontaneous—occurring purely by accident. It is more likely that these remissions have a cause—or two or three—that science has not yet identified.
Most of the unexpected remission survivors I have studied are thrilled to have finally found a professional who is interested in learning how they healed. They often lament, “My doctor didn’t even ask how I did it.” Kelly Turner, PhD….to learn more, please join us live on Survive and Live well, with host Elyn Jacobs and guest Kelly Turner, on Cancer Support Network,, Tuesday, June 5th at 1pm.
Kelly A. Turner, PhD, is a researcher, lecturer, and consultant in the field of Integrative Oncology. Her research focus is the “Unexpected Remission” of cancer, which is a remission that occurs either 1) in the absence of Western medicine, 2) after Western medicine has failed to achieve remission, or 3) when Western and complementary methods are used in conjunction to significantly outlive one’s prognosis. Dr. Turner received her BA from Harvard University and her Masters and PhD from the University of California, Berkeley. Her dissertation research included a year-long trip around the world during which she traveled to 10 different countries to interview 50 holistic healers and 20 unexpected remission survivors about their healing practices. Kelly is currently writing a book that summarizes these research findings, and launching a website that will continue to collect cases of Unexpected Remission. For more information, visit Join us Tuesday as we discuss Unexpected Remission, what it means and what it may mean for you.
Did you miss last weeks show? I 'll let you know when we will re-broadcast it...
Tuesday, May 29th, 2012–Helayne Waldman, MS, EdD

Join us Tuesday, May 29th at 1pm(est) for tips on getting the nutrition you need in order to build a stronger, healthier body…the best defense against cancer and the best roadmap for life. For a sneak preview of Helayne’s book, please visit
For upcoming show information, please sign up to receive this blog in your inbox....Thanks and see you Tuesday!
Elyn Jacobs is President of Elyn Jacobs Consulting, Executive Director for the Emerald Heart Cancer Foundation, a certified cancer coach and a breast cancer survivor. Elyn helps women diagnosed with cancer to navigate the process of treatment and care, and educates to prevent recurrence and new cancers. She is passionate about helping others get past their cancer and into a cancer-free life. To learn more about Elyn’s coaching services, please visit: