I try to juice every morning. My recipe, with some variation depending on what I have on hand:
Parsnip Broccoli
Fennel Carrot
Parsley Celery
Cauliflower Cilantro
When I am just about finished drinking it, I mix in some superfood powders like black raspberry, black cherry and pomegranate, all powerful anticancer foods, but difficult to include in the daily diet. I also try to eat at least 10 servings of fruits and vegetables each day in addition to the juice. However, despite my dedication, I often find I don’t have the time to juice or am traveling, and juice or even healthfully prepared produce is next to impossible to find. Keep in mind that overcooking and microwaving foods destroys most of the nutrients in them. So, I strongly recommend adding supplements to your diet in the form of dried powders (think Barleans or Completely Green and other similar brands). However, on a recent flight to Canada, I was stopped by security; agent was certain that my mix of superfoods looked ominous. Thankfully his litmus test proved otherwise, but I didn’t really appreciate my breakfast being manhandled, and my belongings interfered with. So, I decided to look into Juice Plus, which offers a few blends of fruits and vegetables in easy to travel with capsules. Great for the road, perfect for busy days, and a must for those who just don’t get around to eating their veges.To learn more about Juice Plus, please visit http://elynjuiceplus.com. Remember, no supplement is a replacement for the real thing, but it can help bridge the gap between intentions and reality.
To read more about the anticancer diet, please visit:
http://elynjacobs.blogspot.com/2010/12/eating-to-cheat-cancer.html (please note…I don’t mention watercress in this post, but it makes a delicious salad and is a powerful anticancer food. Watercress offers a hefty dose of beta-carotene, copious amounts of calcium, and carotenes like lutein. Watercress has a high amount of phenylethylisotiocyante which appears to block cancer-causing chemicals, perhaps even protecting the lungs of smokers from the carcinogens associated with tobacco (however, again, please don’t smoke…I tell you this to understand the power of watercress)
Today is also a great day to get the kids to start craving vegetables. Fruits are often loved by children, but for many, vegetables are not welcome. I offer one slightly controversial solution. Mindless eating: while normally this is frowned upon and leads to obesity, I challenge you to put out a plate of raw veges where your young kids are playing…it will be empty in no-time. I started this when the boys were very young, now all I hear is “more snack mom!”….and it is cut veges that they are yelling for. Too late you say? Please try it, but if it doesn’t work for your crowd, consider Juice Plus for them too, at least they will get the nutrients, and hopefully it will inspire them to give veges a chance….and it will give them a hefty dose of vegetables when you travel or are short on time, or patience. Now, anyone have a great way to get kids to eat beans?
In good health,
Elyn Jacobs is President of Elyn Jacobs Consulting, Executive Director for the Emerald Heart Cancer Foundation, a certified cancer coach and a breast cancer survivor. Elyn helps women diagnosed with cancer to navigate the process of treatment and care, and educates to prevent recurrence and new cancers. She is passionate about helping others get past their cancer and into a cancer-free life. To learn more about Elyn’s coaching services, please visit: http://elynjacobs.wordpress.com
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