On Monday, July 30th, on CANCER S.O.S., Joni’s interview was about 24-year-old Kelcey Harrison, who is running 3,500 miles across America to raise funds for lung cancer. She's running from New York City to San Francisco in memory of 22-year-old student and athlete at U.C. Berkeley, Jill Costello, who lost her battle with Lung Cancer in 2010 one year after diagnosis. To learn more go to: http://jillslegacy.org/. Please visit: The Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation (www.lungcancerfoundation.org). If you missed the show, it will be rebroadcast on Saturday, August 4th on www.W4WN.com and www.W4CS.com.
Lung cancer claims more lives each year than breast, colon, liver, kidney, and melanoma cancers combined, due in part to a lack of early detection. Often symptoms don't appear until later stages of the disease when 5-year survival can be as low as 4%. Sadly, about 85% of lung cancers are diagnosed in late stage. While much progress has been made in the treatment of lung cancer, the best outcome may be achieved when tumors are discovered while still small. For more information, please visit: http://www.lungcancerfoundation.org/early-detection/, and view my interview with Greg Stanley, of Oncimmune, on Survive and Live Well, to learn more about early testing for lung cancer: http://hipcast.com/podcast/HBFWRWHQ.
WEGO Health is producing a series of videos for the lung cancer community that will focus on a patient journey through lung cancer. If you are a lung cancer patient or caregiver who is looking to help raise awareness, share information and experiences, please contact:
Caitlin Cumming
Community Coordinator
WEGO Health
Join us daily on www.W4CS.com and www.W4WN.com for the information you need now if you or a loved one has cancer.
Elyn Jacobs
Facebook @Elyn Jacobs Consulting
Linkedin @Elyn Jacobs
Elyn Jacobs is a breast cancer survivor, professional cancer coach, radio talk show host, speaker, and the Executive Director for the Emerald Heart Cancer Foundation. Elyn empowers women to choose the path for treatment that best fits their own individual needs. She is passionate about helping others move forward into a life of health and wellbeing. Elyn lives in New York with her husband and two young boys. To tune into the Survive and Live Well radio show, please visit www.W4CS.com, Tuesdays at 1pm (EST).
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